Im magic partition
Im magic partition

im magic partition

No advertised software are included are installed along with the main program either. No viruses, spyware or other kinds of malware are bundled with the setup package. The main installation process is also quick to finish (it won’t take more than a few seconds actually). The installation of the product is only two steps long and has no settings for you to configure. IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free is designed mainly for less advanced users and aims to offer many comforts, including all main features a software of its kind should have plus the advantage of easy usage. But the rest of the users need an extremely easy to use program with plenty of features and a clean interface in order to perform tasks like that. It’s not uncommon for someone with an average or higher level of technical experience to modify the partitions of a hard disk due to OS reinstall, bad sectors, etc. " Free partition magic software for Windows"

Im magic partition